
IceHawk Uploaded files

This section covers the comfortable handling of uploaded files with the IceHawk component.

Transformation of $_FILES

If you have a form on your website containing one file input field and you submit it to the server, PHP unpacks the uploaded files to the $_FILES array in the following way:

HTML form

<form action="/upload/to/server" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="uploadedFile">
    <input type="submit" value="Upload">

$_FILES array

array (size=1)
  'uploadedFile' => 
    array (size=5)
      'name' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
      'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9)
      'tmp_name' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpaX6BSv' (length=66)
      'error' => int 0
      'size' => int 14273

But if you upload multiple files in one submit, the structure of $_FILES changes from a 2-dimensional array to a 3-dimensional array or even a mixed one. See this example:

HTML form

<form action="/upload/to/server" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="uploadedFile">
    <input type="file" name="files[]">
    <input type="file" name="files[]">
    <input type="file" name="files[file4]">
    <input type="submit" value="Upload">

$_FILES array

array (size=2)
  'uploadedFile' => 
    array (size=5)
      'name' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
      'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9)
      'tmp_name' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpLVo9Fb' (length=66)
      'error' => int 0
      'size' => int 14273
  'files' => 
    array (size=5)
      'name' => 
        array (size=3)
          0 => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
          1 => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
          'file4' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
      'type' => 
        array (size=3)
          0 => string 'image/png' (length=9)
          1 => string 'image/png' (length=9)
          'file4' => string 'image/png' (length=9)
      'tmp_name' => 
        array (size=3)
          0 => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpBcPxjk' (length=66)
          1 => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpz3JrCY' (length=66)
          'file4' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpeM1qZn' (length=66)
      'error' => 
        array (size=3)
          0 => int 0
          1 => int 0
          'file4' => int 0
      'size' => 
        array (size=3)
          0 => int 14273
          1 => int 14273
          'file4' => int 14273

This is pretty confusing in the first place and leads to conditional code that checks e.g. on the "name" index of a file if its value is a string or an array.

That's why the IceHawk component normalizes the unpacked array to always be 3-dimensional in favour of providing one simple API to access uploaded files. Especially in the second example you can see that data bound to one uploaded file is distributed to multiple arrays.

In addition to normalize the unpacked $_FILES array, the IceHawk component also wraps an object of type UploadedFile around each file so that all file related data can be comfortably accessed.

Since file uploads only work with POST (write) requests, the list of uploaded files is attached to the request input data object, like shown in this section.

When asking the write request input object for all uploaded files

var_dump( $requestInput->getAllFiles() );

it will give you this for the single file upload form:

array (size=1)
  'uploadedFile' => 
    array (size=1)
      0 => 
          private 'name' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
          private 'tmpName' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpG4XHn5' (length=66)
          private 'error' => int 0
          private 'size' => int 14273
          private 'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9)

And this for the multi-file upload form:

array (size=2)
  'uploadedFile' => 
    array (size=1)
      0 => 
          private 'name' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
          private 'tmpName' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpL4xQLe' (length=66)
          private 'error' => int 0
          private 'size' => int 14273
          private 'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9)
  'files' => 
    array (size=3)
      0 => 
          private 'name' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
          private 'tmpName' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpildUxI' (length=66)
          private 'error' => int 0
          private 'size' => int 14273
          private 'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9)
      1 => 
          private 'name' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
          private 'tmpName' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpwh3DyL' (length=66)
          private 'error' => int 0
          private 'size' => int 14273
          private 'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9)
      'file4' => 
          private 'name' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
          private 'tmpName' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpGCUjgR' (length=66)
          private 'error' => int 0
          private 'size' => int 14273
          private 'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9)

As you can see the array is always 3-dimensional and file-related data is kept together in an object.

How to access uploaded files

The array of uploaded files is normalized to a 3-dimensional array, so it's quiet obvious to provide 3 appropriate methods to access each of these dimensions.

Given the multi-file upload form shown above was submitted.

Get all uploaded files (1st dimension)

$allUploadedFiles = $requestInput->getAllFiles();
var_dump( $allUploadedFiles );


array (size=2)
  'uploadedFile' => 
    array (size=1)
      0 => 
          private 'name' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
          private 'tmpName' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpL4xQLe' (length=66)
          private 'error' => int 0
          private 'size' => int 14273
          private 'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9)
  'files' => 
    array (size=3)
      0 => 
          private 'name' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
          private 'tmpName' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpildUxI' (length=66)
          private 'error' => int 0
          private 'size' => int 14273
          private 'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9)
      1 => 
          private 'name' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
          private 'tmpName' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpwh3DyL' (length=66)
          private 'error' => int 0
          private 'size' => int 14273
          private 'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9)
      'file4' => 
          private 'name' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
          private 'tmpName' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpGCUjgR' (length=66)
          private 'error' => int 0
          private 'size' => int 14273
          private 'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9)

Get specific uploaded files (2nd dimension)

$specificFiles = $requestInput->getFiles( 'files' );
var_dump( $specificFiles );


array (size=3)
  0 => 
      private 'name' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
      private 'tmpName' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpildUxI' (length=66)
      private 'error' => int 0
      private 'size' => int 14273
      private 'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9)
  1 => 
      private 'name' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
      private 'tmpName' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpwh3DyL' (length=66)
      private 'error' => int 0
      private 'size' => int 14273
      private 'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9)
  'file4' => 
      private 'name' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
      private 'tmpName' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpGCUjgR' (length=66)
      private 'error' => int 0
      private 'size' => int 14273
      private 'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9)

Get one uploaded file (3rd dimension)

# access a file using default index 0
$uploadedFile0 = $requestInput->getOneFile( 'files' );
var_dump( $uploadedFile0 );

# access a file at a string index
$uploadedFile4 = $requestInput->getOneFile( 'files', 'file4' );
var_dump( $uploadedFile4 );

# access a not existing file index
$notUploadedFile = $requestInput->getOneFile( 'files', 'not-existing' );
var_dump( $notUploadedFile );

This prints:

# $uploadedFile0
# file at default index 0
  private 'name' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
  private 'tmpName' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpildUxI' (length=66)
  private 'error' => int 0
  private 'size' => int 14273
  private 'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9)

# $uploadedFile4
# file at a string index "file4"
  private 'name' => string 'branding-circle.png' (length=19)
  private 'tmpName' => string '/private/var/folders/dq/883sl5qj2td_wp17hv8_mx3m0000gn/T/phpGCUjgR' (length=66)
  private 'error' => int 0
  private 'size' => int 14273
  private 'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9)

# $notUploadedFile
# not existing file, empty UploadedFile object with error UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE
  private 'name' => string '' (length=0)
  private 'tmpName' => string '' (length=0)
  private 'error' => int 4 
  private 'size' => int 0
  private 'type' => string '' (length=0)

The UploadedFile object

We already mentioned that the meta data of an uploaded file is wrapped in an UploadedFile object. This object implements the ProvidesUploadedFileData interface and offers the following methods for access to the meta data.

public function getError() : int

This method returns one of PHP's predefined upload error codes.

public function getName() : string

This method returns the original filename of the uploaded file.

public function getSize() : int

This method returns in bytes the filesize of the uploaded file.

public function getTmpName() : string

This method returns the temporary filepath on the server of the uploaded file.

public function getType() : string

This method returns the mime type of the uploaded file, if the browser provided this information. An example would be image/gif.

Note from the PHP docs:

This mime type is however not checked on the PHP side and therefore don't take its value for granted.

public function getRealType() : string

The method uses the PHP extension fileinfo to determine a more precise mime type of the uploaded file on the server side.

public function getEncoding() : string

This method uses the PHP extension fileinfo to determine the mime encoding of the uploaded file and returns it. For example: utf-8.

public function didUploadSucceed() : bool

This method return whether the upload of the file succeeded or not. It checks for the error code to be UPLOAD_ERR_OK.

public function getErrorMessage() : string

This method returns an appropriate error message for the upload error code:

Error code Value Message
UPLOAD_ERR_OK 0 empty string
UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE 1 Filesize exceeded max size allowed by server.
UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE 2 Filesize exceeded max size allowed by input form.
UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL 3 File was uploaded partially.
UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE 4 No file uploaded.
UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR 6 No upload temp directory available.
UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE 7 Upload canceled by PHP extension.
UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION 8 Cannot write file.