
IceHawk exceptions

This section describes exceptions throws by the IceHawk component.

Because the whole IceHawk framework is written for PHP 7 with strict types we got rid of a lot of defensive validation code throwing exceptions. Instead PHP 7 will throw appropriate \Errors if the component API is misused.

But there are still cases where we throw exceptions you need to deal with.

Base component exception

To easily identify whether an exception was thrown by the IceHawk component or not, all exceptions thrown by IceHawk inherit from a base component exception class named IceHawkException:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace IceHawk\IceHawk\Exceptions;

class IceHawkException extends \Exception {}

So a catch( IceHawkException $e ) block would catch all possible exceptions thrown by the component.


If you perform a request and the IceHawk component did not find a matching route for the requested URI, it throws an UnresolvedRequest exception. To help you identify what request caused this exception it carries information about the requested URI and request method:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use IceHawk\IceHawk\Exceptions\UnresolvedRequest;

    # ...
catch ( UnresolvedRequest $e )
    printf( "%s request on %s could not be resolved.", $e->getRequestMethod(), $e->getUri() );

We recommend that you catch this exception in your final responders and provide a valid 404 Not Found response. We intentionally decided not to auto-respond to unresolved requests, because:

  • You shall be able to create your own responses, e.g. a custom 404 page or API response.
  • We wanted to give you access to the information what request could not be resolved, e.g. for logging.


This exception is thrown when you configured one or more event subscribers which do not implement the IceHawk\IceHawk\PubSub\Interfaces\SubscribesToEvents interface and will be emitted when your IceHawk config is checked - when IceHawk::init() is executed.

This exception provides information about the keys/indices that carry the invalid event subscribers:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use IceHawk\IceHawk\Exceptions\InvalidEventSubscriberCollection;

    # ...
catch ( InvalidEventSubscriberCollection $e )
    printf( "Invalid event subscribers found at: %s", join( ', ', $e->getInvalidKeys() ) );


This exception is thrown when you configured an event subscriber to accept a specific event, but forgot to implement the appropriate event handler method or used private as the visibility level of that method.

This exceptions provides information about the expected method name, that could not be found:

Please note: This exception is only thrown if you inherit from our abstract class AbstractEventSubscriber.

Read more about events and subscribers.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use IceHawk\IceHawk\PubSub\Exceptions\EventSubscriberMethodNotCallable;

    # ...
catch ( EventSubscriberMethodNotCallable $e )
    printf( "Could not find evend handler method: %s", $e->getMethodName() );


This exception is throws when you configured a list of routes that is not traversable, meaning: which is not an array or does not implement the \Traversable interface.

Please note: This exception becomes obsolete in the next major version v3.0.0 that targets PHP 7.1 introducing the iterable type.