
PubSub usage

This section describes how to use the PubSub component.

Create a message

Please note:

  • Messages should always be immutable.
  • Every message MUST have a:
    • Message ID
    • Message name

... and of course user-defined content, so called payload.

IceHawk/PubSub ships with two types/value objects for the message ID and message name. If you don't want or can't use them for any reason, you can alternativly implement their interfaces.

Shipped type / value object Interface
IceHawk\PubSub\Types\MessageId IceHawk\PubSub\Interfaces\IdentifiesMessage
IceHawk\PubSub\Types\MessageName IceHawk\PubSub\Interfaces\NamesMessage

The message itself MUST implement the following interface:


So a message implementation could look like this:


namespace YourVendor\YourProject;

use IceHawk\PubSub\Interfaces\CarriesInformation;
use IceHawk\PubSub\Interfaces\IdentifiesMessage;
use IceHawk\PubSub\Interfaces\NamesMessage;

final class YourMessage implements CarriesInformation
    /** @var IdentifiesMessage */
    private $messageId;

    /** @var NamesMessage */
    private $messageName;

    /** @var string */
    private $content;

    public function __construct( IdentifiesMessage $messageId, NamesMessage $messageName, string $content ) 
        $this->messageId    = $messageId;
        $this->messageName  = $messageName;
        $this->content      = $content;

    public function getMessageId() : IdentifiesMessage 
        return $this->messageId;

    public function getMessageName() : NamesMessage 
        return $this->messageName;

    public function getContent() : string
        return $this->content;

And a new instance of this message is created like this:


namespace YourVendor\YourProject;

use IceHawk\PubSub\Types\MessageId;
use IceHawk\PubSub\Types\MessageName;

$yourMessage = new YourMessage( 
    new MessageId( '123456-ABC-789' ),
    new MessageName( 'Something had happened' ),
    'Hello World!' 

Create a message subscriber

To implement a subscriber that gets notified about all messages published to the channel it is subscribing to, you can extend the AbstractMessageSubscriber class that is shipped with IceHawk\PubSub.

The AbstractMessageSubscriber class automatically converts the message name to a handler method name by prefixing when to the message name, which is converted to upper camelcase. (All non-alphanumeric characters are removed.) In this example: The message name "Something had happened" becomes the handler method name "whenSomethingHadHappened".

As the invocation to the handler method is triggered by the abstract parent class, the method must at least have protected (or public) visibility. Private methods would not be callable, because they would be out of the parent class' scope.

The handler methods gets invoked with 2 parameters:

  1. The published message instance
  2. The channel instance the message was published on

IceHawk\PubSub shipps with a type/value object for channels. If you don't want / can't use it for any reason, you can alternativly implement its interfaces.

Shipped type / value object Interface
IceHawk\PubSub\Types\Channel IceHawk\PubSub\Interfaces\IdentifiesChannel

The alternative to extend the AbstractMessageSubscriber class is to implement the following interface:


A basic implementation of a subscriber, being notified about the previously created message, could look like this:


namespace YourVendor\YourProject;

use IceHawk\PubSub\AbstractMessageSubscriber;
use IceHawk\PubSub\Types\Channel;

final class YourSubscriber extends AbstractMessageSubscriber
    protected function whenSomethingHadHappened( YourMessage $yourMessage, Channel $channel )
            'Message named "%s" with ID "%s" was published on channel "%" with content: "%s"',

Subscribe to a channel


namespace YourVendor\YourProject;

use IceHawk\PubSub\MessageBus;
use IceHawk\PubSub\Types\Channel;

// ...

$messageBus = new MessageBus();
$messageBus->subscribe( new Channel( 'ListenToMe' ), new YourSubscriber() );

Note: The MessageBus class automatically prevents subscribing of equal subscribers to the same channel. But one subscriber can subscribe to multiple channels.

Publish a message

In the same way you subscribe to a channel, you will publish a message to a channel like this:


namespace YourVendor\YourProject;

use IceHawk\PubSub\Types\Channel;

// ...

$messageBus->publish( new Channel('ListenToMe'), $yourMessage );


Message named "Something had happened" with ID "123456-ABC-789" was published on channel "ListenToMe" with content: "Hello World!"'